So, I epically fail at blogging. I admit it.
Also, for everybody who's been following since week 1 (danke very much!), I also fail with the Rachael Ray cooking plan. The plan required you to make 5 "staples" which you divide into little baggies and then freeze until you need them. I made the first 3 staples the first week, the 4th the second week, and a month later, the 5th.
Now, when I do occasionally cook, these premade baggies of staples like shredded pork and chicken are the bomb and a concept I think I'm going to continue with forever. But OMG. I have about 15 of the 20 meals to go and 2 of the ones I have made sucked. It was sad face.
I also really dropped the ball on the gym. I still go about twice a week but there has been the weeks where I'm swamped and do not go at all. Just hardcore slacking.
So I'm trying to pick back up, cook a legit meal at least once a week (which then lasts for multiple days), go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and blog when I have something super insightful.
And on that note...
I do not believe in new years resolutions. As a professional procrastinator aided by mad A.D.D., I even recognize how FOOLISH this concept is. So you procrastinate from doing something you should be doing 10 months out of the year and then in December you realize, "Oh shit, I'm a fat cow." But do you put down the pumpkin pie?
Instead, you allow yourself to be a chump for a whole extra month by saying, "I'm going to start working out next year- it will be my new years resolution." And then somewhere around January 20th, you're back to your same slacker self for a solid 10 months. Bravo.
And this is society enabled slacking. For example, last night I was asked what my new years resolution is. I replied, "Nothing." The person gave me this look. You know, that look of ultimate judgment because you're too special to not need improvements and, therefore, do not need to make resolutions. The person then proceeded to tell me their resolution in some bombastic (that means pretentious- look at that GRE vocab lingering in my feeble brain!) tone of "Well my resolution is to..."
I don't even know what the person said their resolution was. And I don't give two turtle shits what it was either. I am not conforming to this tradition of acceptable, annual slacking. So when I say I don't have a new years resolution, it's not because I'm lazy (which I am but that's a minor detail) or because I think I'm perfect, it's because I don't need a calender to tell me when it's time to pull my head out of my ass. The time to pull your head out of your ass is now!
Speaking of which, I'm way behind on some paperwork... I'm going to grab some pumpkin pie and continue to not do it.
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