So I promise I have not been blog slacking, I just haven't had anything inspirational to put on here. Well, there were a couple of things I wanted to *ahem* discuss (i.e. BITCH about) but it was motivated by 2 of my avid readers which is just something I don't need to deal with. So y'all had to wait until I could find something less threatening. Having said that,-
Modern TV is terrible.
And when I say terrible, I mean I love it in the most ashamed way ever. I honestly don't know how my parents grew up with a whopping 5 channels and no DVDs (or VHSs for that matter!) to choose from- and that's if no one messed with the perfectly-precariously-positioned antenna.
So I really appreciate the variety but some of these shows, we need to calm down on. They need to go off the air because they only perpetuate the stereotype that we're all idiots.
Self disclosure moment- a couple years back I found the glories of the Bravo Network. Millionaire Matchmaker? Tabitha's Salon Takeover (Side note- why do judges or pissed off overhaulers have to be British? Is this some remnant of Colonial times when the damn Red Coats were tyrants over us, youthful colonists? Seriously, America, we kicked ass and took names- grab life by the balls and overhaul your own fucking salon.)? AWESOME SHOWS. Don't even try to tell me otherwise.
But I had a dark secret- I also thoroughly enjoyed the Real Housewives of Orange County. I watched a couple episodes of the other "Real Housewives" but nothing compared to the hypocritical, batshit, stupidity of these California yuppies. And for every moment they pissed me off, I was that much more enthralled.
And maybe that's because I liked Vicki. Vicki was the voice of reason on the show. She frequently caused drama because she couldn't go to so-and-so's girls get together at 2pm on a Tuesday because she had a full-time job of owning her own company. She had 2 kids and was kind of a work-aholic but the woman got shit done and had a seemingly wonderful man there supporting her. They had their ups and downs but they were committed to working it out. I identified with that- I could easily see myself being like that in the future (minus the children).
Then Vicki got a divorce. And this was, like, her second or third divorce. Clearly, her job got in the way of her relationship with this loving and overly supportive guy. Recently, she's come out on her blog as saying how you should not let anyone else get in the way of your dreams. I totally agree with that...
BUT (the word that makes the previous statement irrelevant) isn't part of your dream also to have a loving husband? I mean, if it's not, that's fine. Don't waste other people's time by getting married to them. At the very least be up front and honest stating "I have no intentions of putting 100% into this relationship- you'll get 80% on a good day." If marriage is on your dream radar, just like having a successful business, then act like it. Give that dream the time, effort, and respect it deserves. If you're allowing your business to get in the way of your marriage, you're just getting in the way of yourself- it's not your spouse. I'm just saying.
So, I've gotten a little off topic, but my point is that even some of the best reality show personalities have some serious flaws. And let's face it, if someone as successful as Vicki is not really a fabulous role model, THE JERSEY SHORE PEOPLE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT GOOD ROLE MODELS.
And several of my peers would say they agree. But they also say quotes from the show all the time. If you genuinely abhorred these people or at the very least disagreed with them, you would not quote them. No one respects Hitler and therefore no one quotes Hitler. Same with the Devil and Jack the Ripper. See how that works? And then on the opposite vein, pretty much everyone can quote one or all of the following people: Martin Luther King Jr., Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi. I'm thinking these people are pretty well respected if they are quoted on a daily basis despite being dead. So if you're quoting someone all the time like the stupid drunken shit they say is Gandhi-level GOLD, my guess is that you revere these people. And that's just sad.
Not that I'm saying Gandhi should have a reality show. That sounds 5-TV-channels-level terrible.
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